Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why Me? Why Now?

I’ve never considered blogging before.  After all, why would I?  To your typical person, I would appear to have an average life – no fancy career, no inordinate amount of wealth, no adventurous travels, and no booming social life – nothing.  There are almost 7 billion people on this earth and I can promise you that many of them are more interesting, more intelligent, more cultured, and more experienced than I.  It would appear that most people blog to share their life experiences and while I do have personal experiences of my own, none of them are inherently any more or less significant than anyone else’s.  So is there any good reason for me to blog about myself?  No.  Is there any reason why anyone should be interested in reading a blog about me.  Absolutely not.

My existence in and of itself does not merit any recognition or special attention, however, the reason that I exist does.  I think many of us often mistake life as some sort of series of events or circumstances that interact within a narrative about ourselves.  I’ve recognized that my being is not an account of my life, but rather part of a story about something, more specifically someone, greater than I.  In the past few years my eyes have been opened to this greater reality that is occurring all around us.  It is a story of love, generosity, rebellion, brokenness, mercy, hope, justice, redemption, and grace.  It is a story that points to and revolves around one person – Jesus Christ.  Romans 11:36

I have no interest in writing about me for the sake of my own fulfillment.  What I do have an interest in is sharing with you how God has revealed Himself to me and how this has completely transformed my life for His glory.  This does require me to share my own personal insight and experiences, but it is my sincere hope that it will always point back to God.  I am simply a vessel – one that seeks to share the Gospel. 

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